Do, a Deer, a Female Deer…

This shall be a blog where I can rant or rave about movie (and sometimes TV) scores and soundtracks to my heart’s content.  There will probably be blatant Hans Zimmer gushing, and I’m okay with that.  No, I’m not a professional.  I don’t even play an instrument, unless you count a few songs on the piano plus mediocre harmonica skills (I know “Happy Birthday” and “Alouette”).  I am, however, a connoisseur of soundtracks.  I probably possess three times the scores/soundtracks than the average Joe or Jane.  So, you may think of this blog as soundtracks from the ears of the avid listener.

All that to say: here we are.  I love film (and television, and theater…) soundtracks.  If you do too, (or even if you don’t, or don’t know where to start listening), I think you and I will have a grand time here.  Let the soundtracking begin!